What We’re Reading – Employers make ‘remarkable’ pivot to virtual hiring

If we all had to admit it, COVID has ushered in some good changes: more remote work and schedule flexibility; new safety and sanitizing practices that may protect us from even the common cold; Zoom-ing has perhaps made us more thoughtful about the need for a meeting in the first place; and my personal favorite, widespread curbside meal pick-up 😊

The Human Resources sphere has been particularly hit by the pandemic and is responding with innovation, particularly in recruitment and orientation.  This article summarizes businesses’ reliance on virtual technology to more speedily accomplish the stages in the recruitment cycle.  More than 75% of senior managers reported conducting virtual interviews and on-boarding, and many plan to continue the trend. A Robert Half spokesperson called the transition “remarkable.”  But seriously, should we be surprised?  A highly lauded leadership trait is adaptability, which HR takes to heart: we do what we need to do to get the job done.

This adaptability has paid dividends with 60% of the surveyed companies reporting they shortened their hiring process and have been able to recruit from a wider pool of talent.  It’s possible that even after some work returns to brick and mortar locations, several HR functions may retain a virtual aspect.  Either way, quickly filling vacant positions with qualified workers is a win-win for everyone.

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