ICD-10-CM Changes for 2022

Changes to ICD-10-CM codes happen every year and 2022 (which coding-wise begins on October 1, 2021) is no different.  AAPC reports that 159 codes were added, 25 were deleted, and 27 ICD-10-CM codes were revised. This addendum from CMS explores every ICD-10-CM code in each Chapter of the Tabular Section.  Be sure to check online for other handy tools and reference guides to aid in your coding work.

Of particular note for primary care providers, our company’s largest client base, here are some important changes:

  • New code F32.A  Depression, unspecified (Depression NOS).  This code should be used instead of F32.9 for patients who have depression but don’t meet DSM criteria for MDD. 
  • COVID has a new code: U09.9 Post COVID-19 condition, unspecified. This new code instructs providers to also include the code for the specific condition related to COVID-19, if known. You can add R43.8 Loss of smell, R43.8 Loss of taste, M35.81 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome or in cases where the pt is on continuous O2, J96.1- Chronic respiratory failure.  This last code is not for those on supplemental oxygen, PRN, for specific activities, etc.
  • More precision when coding Cough (R05).  New codes exist for acute cough (R05.1), chronic cough (R05.3) and others.
  • M54.5 Low back pain has grown to include three codes: M54.50 Low back pain, unspecified, M54.51 Vertebrogenic low back pain, and M54.59 Other low back pain.
  • M35.0 Sjögren syndrome also underwent revision, beginning with the code-name, which changed from Sicca syndrome with Sjögren in brackets as a synonym. Seven new codes were created to identify associated diseases or conditions, such as M35.05 Sjögren syndrome with inflammatory arthritis and M35.06 Sjögren syndrome with peripheral nervous system involvement.
  • Two new subcategories now exist for irritant contact dermatitis: L24.A- Irritant contact dermatitis due to friction or contact with body fluids and L24.B- Irritant contact dermatitis related to stoma or fistula, and codes to identify the type of stoma or fistula.
  • The categories of Cannabis derivatives (T40.71) and Synthetic cannabinoids (T40.72) now have 36 new codes to more precisely code poisoning, adverse effects, etc.
  • Two new social determinants of health were created: Z55.5 Less than High School Diploma and Z58.6 Inadequate drinking-water supply.
  • Lastly, Z91.5 Personal history of self-harm now differentiates between history of suicidal behavior (Z91.51) and non-suicidal self-harm (Z91.52), which includes self-mutilation.

Please, please note that this blog contains only the highlights of codes that are likely to be seen in primary care.  Providers and coders must do their own due diligence to identify code changes and revisions to coding guidelines that affect their specialties. Last thing: Be sure to check with your EMR vendor to make sure the coding update has been performed; don’t assume it is done automatically.

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