This short opinion piece seems to contradict the comments in another article we read on remote working that was summarized on our blog. This columnist raises the point that while businesses are eager to get everyone “back to work,” this really means back to the office. The author contends that work has been occurring, albeit not in the brick & mortar facilities of the employer.
He goes further to say that more than half of workers prefer to work remotely on a full-time basis and don’t necessarily want to return to the office environment. What’s an employer to do?
As an employer, we can understand that a completely disconnected workforce is not the answer, but we admit we can make changes in how we interact and support remote workers. Perhaps a percentage of remote work is an option coupled with some in-office time.
Whatever the decision, the topic of remote work needs exploration in light of the employer (and employee’s) goals. Is it possible to create a win-win for all parties?