Home Health
Existing Home Health Agency
Accreditation and Medicare certification are arduous tasks which demand keen attention to many details. Existing agencies have the unique challenge of conforming their usual way of operating to that of the accrediting program. Our goal is to integrate your agency’s operation with the requirements of the accreditation standards with minimal disruption of your daily activities. We also train your staff to meet the accreditation requirements and we remain involved until your agency successfully passes its survey.
The healthcare industry is very heavily regulated and because of concerns about fraud, abuse and waste, home health providers are particularly targeted. It’s not unusual for agencies to be cited during an unannounced survey by the State or another regulatory agency for violations of law or rule. Coleman Consulting Group is particularly oriented toward helping providers who have been cited for deficiencies to assess and correct any failures in their operational processes and policies, to develop and implement a corrective action plan and to implement the necessary continued oversight to prevent the situation from recurring.